
Unity Tutorial 06

Hi there! In today's unity tutorial of Ruby's adventure, I looked at the UI/HUD display within the game to allow us a way to display the characters Health points without the use of a console, as of course, the player won't see a console in the game. After I had gotten the UI/HUD working it was time to move on to the Dialog Raycast task which would allow me to bring a new character into my game and make it have an interactive dialogue with Ruby. Dialogue displayed when Ruby runs near the frog! When working on the UI I was quite in the know already with what I was doing as for my current group project which is making a game, I've already worked with and designed my own UI using canvas game objects to function within the game. The only part really within this section of the tutorial that I semi struggled with was the resizing of the canvas and making everything fit such as the portrait of Ruby. Now that I had a HUD on the screen the player can see how much Health points th

Unity Tutorial 05

This weeks tutorial was probably the quickest tutorial or at least the easiest to understand tutorial that I've done this semester so far. In this tutorial, I covered the camera movement and particles within the game adding more movement for the player and more visual design elements to my game.  Firstly starting off this tutorial I downloaded a package called Cinemachine, it allows for more automatic control of the camera and requires no code just some camera settings, once I had the camera set up it was following Ruby around the map without disappearing or going past the boundaries around the map.  In this section, I began working on the particles of the game such as a smoke effect for the broken robots I had. I was excited to start this process as it adds more detail to the game and makes everything seem more alive. After figuring out how to get the sprites to work and starting on the smoke effect I began tweaking the settings within the "Particle system" in the inspec

Tech Task: Animated GIF Maker

  Animated gif I made for my Steam Profile I thought this weeks tech task I could spice things up by actually designing a nice gif for one of my social pages on Steam. I was going to use a website at first but I figured I have access to all these adobe products it is a shame if I didn't use them. I started up After Effects and Photoshop, I used After effects to generate the 2 boxes and text design you see on the gif, I also placed an animated background behind it to add to the design.  Once I had everything set I rendered out the finished project but first I needed to process it as a gif so I rendered each frame out into a png which I then launched on Photoshop and process the gif there. Overall pretty happy with how it looks and it runs pretty smooth too.

Tech Task: Getting Started with Twine

I've actually had some experience trying out twine when myself and my project team used it for our "Group Project" last semester, During that time I learnt how useful of a tool it can be for helping plan a game or storytelling project. I decided id follow the example giving on the main course page and made a simple pick a number game where you ask the player to decide on a number between 1 and 10, then you ask them if it was an odd number or even number. Depending on how they answered will determine if they win or lose.  The starting position and 2 passages within the game. I continued to mess around with this task as I wanted to add the ability to return back to the main question if the user answered wrong, after a while I released I could just direct the button in the text back to the previous passage/choice using [[try again->pick]] which was helpful for completing the game.

Unity Tutorial 04

In this week tutorial I got to mess around with animation and physics of the map, I had a lot of fun messing with the animator system on unity and trying new ways to make movement or interaction within my map. Making and editing a controller/blend tree was interesting was different from the normal coding side of game development which was nice. The goal for the first section was to add animation for the character so it no longer slides across the map. within the tutorial, I was given the needed images which make up the animation for a walking system to be generated. Now, this next section where I worked on creating the throwable projectile from Ruby was a little bit more tricky... I found myself looking up tutorials and looking at the script to find out/find a better understanding of what was happening here, I hate coding without knowing what does what or how something is working and affecting the other aspects of the game. I got around to making it work in the end but I once again thi

Video Game Industry (World Market) - Reading 04

" Structure and Competition in the U.S. Home Video Game Industry" Dmitri Williams   (2002)   Structure and competition in the U.S. home video game industry,   International Journal on Media Management,   4:1,   41-54 This article begins with a brief introduction on what it intends to cover, being the U.S home video game industry with its rapid growth over the decade this article focuses on internal growth within the United States and looks to pinpoint where and how this market has continued to grow to such an extent using multiple hypothesis and theories for such. This article covers some segments of the market too, such as consoles, handheld and PC-based games and the growth/differences between these markets.  After such intro, the article brings the reader up to speed by giving a detailed account of the history of Home video games in the U.S mentioning the first-ever game invented in the U.S by Wally Higginbotham in 1958 who was a government nuclear research scientist, he i

Tech Task: Fake Social Media Generator

Hello, Today I decided for this weeks tech tip id mess around with Simitator, its a website where you can build/make fake posts or comments from sites like Twitter or Facebook! Now normally this kind of stuff wouldn't interest me but lately, I have been looking for new ways to prank my friends so I figured id give it a shot. After loading the website up I began by picking a target, I went with Donald Trump as the man has said some questionable things on Twitter before so its more believable than what he would or wouldn't say online. I looked at him all his details to match them up with the fake tweet I was typing out. Fake Twitter post In the end, I was quite pleased with how it was present it looks pretty decent and if it wasn't for that I couldn't get the website to accept an image of Donald trumps face, I think it be perfect. All in all, it was a fun experience and maybe ill try pranking one of my mates with it who knows.