Unity Tutorial 06

Hi there! In today's unity tutorial of Ruby's adventure, I looked at the UI/HUD display within the game to allow us a way to display the characters Health points without the use of a console, as of course, the player won't see a console in the game. After I had gotten the UI/HUD working it was time to move on to the Dialog Raycast task which would allow me to bring a new character into my game and make it have an interactive dialogue with Ruby.

Dialogue displayed when Ruby runs near the frog!

When working on the UI I was quite in the know already with what I was doing as for my current group project which is making a game, I've already worked with and designed my own UI using canvas game objects to function within the game. The only part really within this section of the tutorial that I semi struggled with was the resizing of the canvas and making everything fit such as the portrait of Ruby. Now that I had a HUD on the screen the player can see how much Health points they have left after being damaged by a robot.

Again this section of the tutorial wasn't difficult, in my group project as I stated I've made interactive dialogue with AI in my game and have basic knowledge of text boxes and canvases. I added a frog-like creature to the game which would act as a secondary character for the player to interact with, this way we can give the player a task such as fixing the robots and make the game a more social experience.


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