Planning: Literature review
On this weeks reading task we were tasked with reading and preparing for our literature review by finding or looking up certain keywords that are associated with our chosen topic, which will then, therefore, help us find articles on that said topic. I went for the topic "World markets" as I feel I have a somewhat understanding of this topic with knowledge of Companys like Steam, Epic Games, Nintendo and Microsoft Games. These companies play a major role in the market place of games as they act as both a host for games and a place for buying/selling games.
The biggest example I would say is Steam, owned and ran by Valve who launched steam back in 2003 with the sole purpose of it to update valve made games, over the years though it began to let other third-party games from publishers be based on its software and soon it grow to be the biggest market place for both triple-A games and Indie made games.
During our lecture this week, one of the librarians from college joined us during the call and brought us on a tour of multiple webpages that we can use for finding information and articles for our literature review, She was very helpful and I think I'm definitely going to use these sites for my work later in the year. Shaun spoke a bit on the matrix method but I was kind of confused for most of this conversation, It seems useful though so I plan on having a look and seeing if I can incorporate it into my work.
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