Week 9 Reading and Writing

I first struggled a lot with the reading and writing tasks due to my difficultly with dyslexia but I will say the element of blog work and controlling my own blog was and is quite enjoyable, So I think if it wasn’t for the fact that I got the chance to become and experience being a blogger I would have struggled a lot during this semester in relation to these continuous tasks every week. When I first began doing the readings solo it took me hours to read through the articles/blogs but after doing the tasks for a few weeks I slowly began to get into a routine, a way in which I could quickly pump out these tasks while still maintaining a great amount of information from articles themselves and composing an informative blog post which reflects both my understanding of my readings and the knowledge I’ve gathered from them. I still struggled with the tasks but at least now I would not fall behind on work/tasks within my module, Soon though that would all change when we decided to switch over to group reading tasks and soon my understanding towards the readings would improve.

The image above is from my “Games GDD” post, it's my favourite picture used during my reading tasks so far, it features details on the design process of Joker from the Arkham Asylum game which is quite good and I do recommend giving it a play.

My favourite reading so far was the “Games GDD” post I made which focused on Game Design Documents and how they affect and help improve the development of a game. This task had the most impact on my work and it really helped me find myself within my game design elements, I think its one of the few reading tasks I fully enjoyed making and crafting. Once we began working as a group, I noticed my work within my reading tasks had improved or if anything my understanding and work ethic towards them improved. Even though we now did less typing up and worked in a group rather than be on our own, It gave me the opportunity to see how other people handled this task and it allowed me to really explore/have fun with my reading tasks. I now feel a lot more comfortable with my work and my blog work, I do not overthink such simple blog tasks which was always an issue of mine.

Now looking forward on my reading tasks id say the one thing Id like to see more of is videos and more visuals within the articles, I know this makes me sound kind of picky but I personally work well and understand a lot more from visual representation and lately with some of the reading tasks which have videos as part of the workload I find wonderful and a lot easier to listen/follow along over reading an article that’s 1000 words plus. I think videos give me more of a sense of conversation (even though I am not even talking back) but in relation to the flow of the video it feels like I take in more information.


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