Unity Tutorial 01

I have just completed my first Unity tutorial! It was a lot of fun and I was very excited to jump in and get started, I actually found the work quite easy and not hard to follow at all, I even put the videos at 1.5x - 2x's the speed as I felt some of the stuff being shown was common sense. I've messed around with C# Coding before so that really came in handy when it came to the coding section.

Lesson 1.1

In the first lesson, we mainly learn about the editor and its functions while also some basic skills within the scene/game view. I learned how to make a project, importing assets, moving and rotating my view, customizing my layout, and much more. The main new functions I learn were positioning assets within the editor such as resetting the position of the car to (0, 0, 0) or positioning the camera behind the car.

Screenshot of Scene/Game View
Lesson 1.2

Lesson 1.2 focused on making the car functional or at least giving it basic features such as driving forward and making it collide with obstacles. To do this we added C# Scripts which gave the car instructions on how to interact with the world/game. We also added a component to both the Obstacle and the Car called RigidBody which added gravity and other details like the mass of each asset. 

Lesson 1.3

In the last lesson, we made it so the camera follows along behind the car, We created another C# script called "FollowPlayer" and attached it to the Main Camera. Within this script, we told the camera to follow along with the position of the player (car) and by giving it a variable called offset, we were able to tell the camera where to position itself in relation to the position of the car which resulted in a clear view from behind the car.

Screenshot showcasing collision with obstacles

I can't wait to continue doing these tutorials, they are a lot of fun and not too hard to follow/understand. Gotta make sure I'm always spamming that CTRL+S though cus I don't wanna lose my stuff... again :D


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