Unity Tutorial 03
This week we worked on creating both a health and collectables system while also establishing some damage zones and enemies within our game. I was excited to work on the enemy as I had experience working on enemy AI within my own game last semester but before doing that I had to complete the health system.
When making this system a few parameters had to be established such as a small indication that health or a "life" was being added to our character. After making this happen making sure that the character could not go over its maximum health was needed. I used triggers to achieve character interaction with health points so once the body of the character touches the health point it registers and runs said code.
Now onto the fun bit, I was hoping there would be a little bit more to this section but it was actually quite short. I managed to add a "damageable sprite" like zone which damaged the character if triggered with, the enemy AI on the other hand had movement which allowed it to move back and forth and damage the player when interacted with. pretty simple stuff and nothing really complex, I'm not really enjoying having to read the instructions I found watching the videos in 2x time was more productive for myself but I guess this way the instructions are well laid out and simple to follow.
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