Unity Tutorial 03


Lesson 2.1

When it comes to functionality I made it so the user can move left to right using their arrow keys but also made a range in which the player can't leave. Probably the most important skill I learned during this lesson was the new C# code called If-statement which basically implies if something happens or if something occurs then run this section of code. It's pretty useful and I've messed around with it before on python before. We also learnt how to just object scales and greater/less than operators.

Lesson 2.2

Next, I learnt how to set up the prefabs and the process of setting up files for it, I learnt about how important it is to override prefabs so they are all synced up with the game, I tested my keypresses while also making sure to set up an out of bounds C# script which removed the pizza and animals from the scene once they go past a certain x or -x value. I set up the projectile for the pizza to be launched whenever we press the spacebar. This lesson was quick easy and not hard at all, I'm getting a handle on these C# coding scripts which is a major plus.

Lesson 2.3

Finally, we enabled it so the player could randomly spawn animals using the S key, we randomized the location of where animals spawn using a spawn manager with arrays. The last thing I learned in this chapter was the difference between local and global variables and also perspective vs isometric projections. I wish I could have finished up this prototype more before we stopped at this lesson as I wanted to the see the whole game functioning but we will get to it in a later stage I guess. Overall the work was fine and not too complicated at all.


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